Greatest Movies Through 1960

Best Movies Compiled From Many Sources

* Viewers: Mr. Showbiz’s Readers Picks: The 100 Best Movies of All Time

Visitors were asked to vote for their TEN BEST movies of All Time. Here are the results, filtered for movies released through 1960:

  1. Casablanca
  2. Gone With The Wind
  3. Citizen Kane
  4. It’s A Wonderful Life
  5. The Wizard of Oz
  6. North by Northwest
  7. Rear Window
  8. Singin’ in the Rain
  9. Psycho
  10. Vertigo

That was the TOP TEN in the resulting Readers Choice list for movies releassed through 1960. Here is the rest of the list of movies:

  1. Some Like It Hot
  2. The Bridge on the River Kwai
  3. The Maltese Falcon
  4. Ben-Hur
  5. The Philadelphia Story
  6. All About Eve
  7. The Quiet Man

View the full list online here: Mr. Showbiz’s Readers’ Picks: The 100 Best Movies of All Time